One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way


How many times have you set yourself new year resolutions and never completed them? Ever wanted to make big changes in your life and never quite managed to make them?

Kaizen is a Japenese philosophy of continuous improvement. Rather than aiming high and failing it’s about taking small steps regularly that build up to the big goal.

kaizen asks us to be patient. It asks us to have faith that with small steps, we can better overcome the mind’s initial resistance to change

Part of the process is training your brain to accept the changes you are planning, and by doing small steps it allows for your brain to adjust to the changes, rather than it being highly resistant.

Never force the process of kaizen; it works only if you let change happen in a comfortable and easy manner.

Kaizen is not just for personal change, it can be applied to anything. This book gives examples that cover business and personal. Giving real life examples and stories and how kaizen has improved people’s lives and help businesses. If it’s something as simple as reading more, spending more time with your family or increasing sales. Applying kaizen thinking and methodologies to these goals can give you a better success rate of improvement

If you ever feel yourself dreading the activity or making excuses for not performing it, it’s time to cut back on the size of the step

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