HTML, CSS and netlify

Netlify is everything you need to build fast, modern websites: continuous deployment, serverless functions, and so much more.

I’ve been looking for a small project/excuse to use netlify for a little while now, and then something came along this week that seemed like the perfect place to be able at least try it without and fallout.

For some reason I’ve always thought netlify was for all the “modern” JAMStack style build – where you have a static site generator that needs to execute some build steps before it can be deployed. But as I found out this week I was pretty wrong.

I was building out some prototypes for something at work and wanted to get it online somewhere so I could show a few people. Normally I would use AWS S3 or upload to my own domain on a shared web host. There are many steps involved in either of those options that I wasn’t keen on having to set up or wait for DNS and so forth.

Here comes netlify – the prototype I was building was using no libraries or frameworks, using just HTML and CSS. I already had the prototype set up as a Git repository (I highly recommend always using source control, it’s a great “undo” tool and many other benefits).

With my Git repository setup (I am using a private repository for my prototype, I have made a demo one for this article), and my netlify account waiting. You just connect the two together and netlify will make a new build each time you commit. As I am committing directly to master the domain that netlify gives you for the project will always have the latest master commit deployed to it.


  1. Have a Git repository set up with you code (my example is here:
  2. Have a netlfiy account – You can sign up with oAuth and use your Github account if you like
  3. Choose “New site from Git”
  4. Continuous deployment – Choose Github, it will run through some steps and ask how you want to connect your account
  5. Choose the repository you want to use for this project/site
  6. Deploy settings – make sure the branch is your main branch – in my case I am using master. Don’t enter anything in the build section
  7.  Click “Deploy site”

You will then get taken to the overview screen for your site. First it will show as in progress, once it’s finished doing it’s thing you will have a link you can view your deployed code at. Netlify will auto generate a name for the site and a URL for you to view it at, for me it gave me the URL –

If you look at the code ( and the deployed site – You can see there is nothing specific to netlify – it’s deployed the repo as a static site, I have no build steps or any tools or frameworks in place. This allows me to quickly push my code up and have it available for others to view and interactive with. Just having an index.html in the root of the repository is enough.

For local development I am using npx to run a local server using the node module http-server.

netlify site overview

For each commit you make the branch you set as the main branch netlify will make a build for that commit. The URL for the site will always show you the most recent deploy.

You can view all the deploys that have happened in netlify and even view what that build looks like, Each build has it’s own URL you can view at – For example when I connected my repo it only had a readme file you can preview that build here – https://5d6a3e7e0c2e32cbcfc25ddf–

I then added some HTML and CSS files, after pushing to Github netlify picked up the commit and triggered another build. You can see my two builds in the deploys tab of the site.

netlify site deploys