Matthew Roach

A non recruiter, recruitment agency



No recruitment agencies.

How many job ads do you see with this words at the bottom? or at the top? I don’t have actually figures but it’s a LOT!

Yes, recruiters get a bad name. I can imagine a lot of you if not all of you have had some experience with a recruiter, be it good or bad. Some will have gotten jobs from them and others may have just got annoyed at them.

After Matt published the article Jobs boards wish list, it reminded me of something I had been think of for a while. Matt makes some great points about job boards, and while there are a lot of job boards around that are aimed for developers, like Authentic JobsStack Overflow, and more niche ones aimed at remote working for working for example We Work Remotely  then there are the ones I refer to as your more standard ones line Indeed, Monster, and the rest.

Matt makes a great point about trawling the various boards each weeks, and he is not even on the hunt for a new job. Just imagine if you were looking for a great new role, similar to the ones that Matt is highlighting each week. The effort and time it would take would soon tire the best.

Back to the recruiter part, yes, yes they have a bad reputation. But what if a new type of recruiter was to be born. One that’s not from the recruiter background but more a developer background, one who can vet the job’s and the applicant’s applying. Just like current recruiters try to do now, but the biggest issue I’ve seen in the past is recruiters seem to be after filling the roles and collecting their money.

Is it possible that a developer or someone working in the trenches could turn into a recruiter?